Wednesday, July 25, 2012

 7/23/2012        “Relying On My Padre Celestial….”

What is going on in Mexico? Not much….  How’s Oklahoma?
Momma, tell Bishop Moody that I got the shirt from Tanner and that I like it a ton (thanks Tanner).
I gained like two pounds this week, but lost it because I had an upset stomach at the end of the week... (Not good)L
We heard about that crazy guy who killed all those innocent people all the way here. That’s so nuts!. You just never know these days what people will do…It is so sad….
Yes Momma, I am healthy and yes, I have always loved what I am doing.  If I didn’t love it, I wouldn’t be here. But yes, I am still Zone Leader and yes; it’s a TON OF WORK.  I have to take care of 18 misioneros(missionaries.)
Well momma, this week we found a ton of people to teach. We found 11 people. I am way excited… We have been working really hard to keep finding people. I think to start the month of agosto(August) we could be having 8...yea I said 8, bautismos (baptisms). We will keep praying and working to get to that point. But, honestly the time here has pasted by so fast and I haven’t been really looking at it. But, I think it was yesterday I counted the weeks and it hit me (hard) that I am almost home. I have 23 weeks left....yea weird right? I have mixed emotions…but, I can’t wait to see you all. Every time I think about home, something just drags me back to the work. It makes me stay focused..  Honestly I have so much to work on still. I know that’s weird to say that I have 18 months in the mission field and I should have everything pretty much settled. I have to keep looking for things to make better. I have seen the blessings of doing that. One can’t be perfect but, at least we can try and make better our weaknesses. It makes us stronger and more willing to serve the Lord. 
This week was kind of sucky too. At the beginning of the week, I put on some weight in two days. I was way excited.. I put on 2 pounds to lose it all in the end when I have problemas(problems)...with my stomach.... But, I feel a lot better and ready to go for this week…..
I am great and still working very hard. I think this week I learned a lot to rely on my Padre Celestial (Heavenly Father). It was kind of rough and I was having problems but, I had to turn to the Lord.  I got a blessing from my companion and I prayed real hard. I think I haven’t ever prayed that long but, I felt so good when I got up in the morning.  I am still working and learning.
Momma, I love you and hope you have a great week.
 I am sorry I left my camera back at our house but, I will send you pictures next week. I got a hair cut so, I hope you like it.
Tell Connor soon I will be next to him on the couch...kicking his trash. Ha ha.
I love you all and I will talk to you next week:)
tu hijo

Elder Anderson

7/16/2012    “The Date Is Set”…..

 Hey momma,

How’s everything?
I have been pretty darn good. This area is kind of hard because, there is a ton to do and it’s like we never have time to do everything. But it’s all, ok.  But yep, its official, I finish on the 3rd of January 2013. That is so weird to think about. But My President said that is the Day I can go home. So, if you guys want to get here the third that will be awesome. I know you guys are still planning to pick me up here in Mexico right? I think my President might set me apart so, I can travel around with you all. It will be nice to see everything again and all the people I know but I am not for sure, for sure. We will see how he handles that.

 That’s awesome about Connor trying out for the American Idol.. I bet he will make it.   I have admitted that Connor is bigger than me. Just wait when we switch places and he goes on a mission. Let’s see how big he is going to be when he gets back. Ha ha.

 I have seen recien conversos (recent converts) be very casual about their part in the ward or in the church or even in the religion for that matter.. They are there for the ride. They really just need to see the importance about going to church also they need to understand why we go. There are no excuses. Excuses and the word impossible is just a reason for someone not to try. I have learned that on the Mish.

 How are Derrick and Heather doing in their membership? Being a covert sometimes can be a little challenging but, it’s all about putting effort into it.

 It sounds like the Spears are very busy working hard.

  I am very glad that Raschelle and Ian are doing great.  And that they still have the kids. She has always been like the second mom so, I bet she is great at the whole mom thing. haha

 Connor, has to see his goal and he has to go get it. No one is going to give him it for free. I have learned that principle too. The Gloria(glory) and the blessings aren’t just given away, they are earned. It’s the same thing. He needs to do things other people aren’t doing. If he does the normal things like everyone else, he will lose.  People ask me why can I, speak really good Spanish or why do I know things that other gringos missionaries don’t. Well, it’s because I wake up at 5:45am to study Spanish even though I can speak it fine. Other missionaries and other people are not doing that and they are not willing to do that. But, I have seen the blessings from making sacrifices.

 Ask dad if he could make a plan about training me. Just want his ideas and input.  When I get there we will talk. I am really serious about coming back and playing football and training. It’s going to take a lot of hard work knowing that I weigh only 190. But, I am willing to do it. I can still throw the ball pretty darn good. We measured it out and I am at about 55 yards still. Pretty darn good don’t you think dad?  At least for un flaquito, oxidado jugador. (a skinny,rusty player.) jaja

I hope everything is great momma. I know we don’t have a ton of time to write now because, I got moved up so, with that comes more responsabilidades.

(Responsibilities.) But, it’s all good.

 Know that I am fine and that everything is great. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week.

 I love you :)

tu hijo

Elder Anderson

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7/9/2012         “Called as Zone Leader”


   Sorry, that I don’t know my area yet, because we hardly work in this area.We travel soooo much and never have much time here. I like it a lot here, but like I said, I haven’t really had enough time to get to know this place.

  I got a letter that said my mission will be ending the 3rd of January.
Don’t worry about my shoes Momma. My shoes will last me until the end. I don’t know how but they will. Ha ha and yes, I got the package. Thanks momma:)

   Things are great. My companion is great and teaches me a lot.  We do go tracting but, this week we had meeting with President in Leon then went
to a Pueblo that is a city 3 hours away. We went there to work with the elders over there.

  I rode a bike for the first time in a long time. haha I am kind of out of shape. Our President talks to us a lot and has us plan things for the zone.
Ok well, this week went by really, really fast. I didn’t have time to do anything really.I got in my area and got unpacked. I have never been as tired in the entire mission as I was in that week. It was rough because, the morning of the transfers I woke up at 5:30 am and then I got here Monday and that morning we worked really hard. Then I woke up again at 5:30 am to take an elder to Leon so, he could pick up his new companion. Then the next day we went to Leon again for a was a great meeting but, I was pretty dead tired after we got home. That was a long day.
 In the morning we went and traveled into a
pueblito.(village)..It was 3 hours away from my area.We had to go there because; the elders are in my zone. So, we went there and its one of the only areas that has, I rode a bike the whole time. It was kind a fun but, I about died. I have a lot to work on when I get back. I have gotten skinny. I weigh only 190......not too good is it? But, I can still throw the ball really well. I have gotten a ton better. I am throwing everyday and I am working out with a better plan and everything, so I should be getting bulked up a bit.  I am going to buy more proteina (protein powder) so we will see how it works.

Our house is pretty cool. Its two stories and we are living as 4 misioneros(missionaries). I like it a lot. But my barrio(neighborhood) is a beast. It all organized.
 We are really working hard. We have like 200 people in the ward. I know that might not sound like a ton but for México it is. But in the noche(night) we are going to have a noche de hogar (Family Home Evening)and put a fecha(date) so, we will be having a bautismo(baptism) very soon.  I am glad Patrick is doing better.

 think “ I did it (or) we did it” we deny what the Lord realmente(really) does for us.

    I’m having fun. My Spanish is much better.  I had to adjust myself again, because I don’t like speaking English and with Elder Carr I spoke it a lot to help him. I didn’t forget Spanish but, you just forget little things or words when you don’t use it as often. But, he helped me with Spanish and I helped him  with English. He liked to test me with all the words I have written down in my word book...I have a total of 1845 words since the beginning of my mish. And it keeps growing. Ha ha, but it’s a lot of fun.  I hope everything is going great. By the way, Elder Monson, Elder Hadley, and I are all Zone Leaders.. Kind of funny right?

I hope you guys have a great week and
I will talk to you next week.

 I love you all and know that if we keep working hard even though it might be hard.... but, if we keep doing the little things. Dios nos bendice mucho. Yo sè que Èl vive. Sè que nos ama y que quiere que regresemos con Èl para que vivamos en un estado
 de felicidad con nuestras familias. Sigan adelante reconozcan las bendiciones que ya tienen y qye tendran.
Les amo mucho. (God  blesses us greatly. I know that He lives. I know he loves and wants us to return to live in a state of happiness with our families. We need to keep up, to recognize the blessings that we already have and will have. I love you much…….. Alpha

Tu hijo
Elder Anderson

7/2/2012       “A New Place”

Hola Familia,

   Well, I did get transferred. I had to say goodbye to Elder Carr...
I am en a place called San Luis Potosi as zone leader. I am over like 8 pares (pairs)of misioneros.(missionaries) We live in a house with four misioneros (missionaries) and the location is pretty sick (meaning very cool). They say, it’s one of the best areas in the mission so, I am pretty excited. It’s really cool area. Yesterday we visited a ton of people to say goodbye and didn’t get to sleep until a las 2 because, I had to pack and everything. My new comp is Elder Martinez. He is really awesome and I am excited to work with a Latino again.
     I am going to do your idea. I tried it once and it’s when I sent you a really big letter. So, I will start bringing my journal with me again.  I will be taking a lot of pictures this week so, you kind of get a view of where I am at.  I am the lider to the district lideres. So it’s pretty cool but, I am way busy. Also this is probably my last area of my mission.....kind of scary to think about but, awesome at the same time. :)   :(

 I don’t know any of the streets yet. So, give me this week and I will get back to you on my exact location.
These are our Mexico Staples...Ha ha

I am sorry I don’t have a ton of time to write I will have more the next week. Know that I am great and thank you so much for the pictures Momma. They all look great. I love you have a great week.
tu hijo
Elder Anderson

6/25/2012      “I’m Leaving this area”  L

 Hey momma,

 If you have some time, I would like just a little letter so, I kind of know what’s going on  with you. Ha ha…(that’s what you always say…) Well, not always J

 I leave from this area in one week. Ya, I got told by my President.  

I am pretty sure this week dad will not get any letter of information from my President because, it’s the week of Cambios(changes) and so, my President is very, very busy.

 Momma, sorry we are late getting our emails out some guy wasn’t being nice at all to us. He was trying to make us look like fools. He was trying to prove us wrong. He was an old guy kind of crabby. We proved him wrong so it backfired.   We did walk very fast to get here. Now the computadora

(computer) isn’t allowing me to send pictures or even put more music on my IPod(church music only…) Oh man!!!!

   I will learn Sunday of where I am going and then be out Monday. So, the next time I talked to you I will be in a different area. … Know that I am great and I will let you know with everything that is happening…

 I got your letter it was huge and full of info. Thank you! I miss Connor too. Some people don’t get my jokes but, he always got them and we always had a fun time. Tell him to keep working and I will be there in 6 meses(months) to kick his butt in video games. Ha ha. Tell him I love him.

    Well I got some fotos for you... Tell Connor the things of  nacho libre are real...corn on the cob with a stick. Ha ha… 

Here are those fotos. Well, the corn on the cob. It’s pretty darn good, but really, really chalked up with mayonesa.(mayonnaise)
Elder Carr and I chowing...

Oh man this is serious yummy food.....

 A picture of my new watch for 20 dolares (dollars):)

I hope you enjoy the fotos. I have to head out. I am so sorry that it was so short. It was that guy. He really missed us up on time.

  I am great and I will let you know with everything that is happening. Tell Connor to stick it out and I will be home soon.

I Love You All and Have a Great Week,

Elder Anderson

Saturday, July 21, 2012

6/18/2012     “Sorry so short”…..


     We went and played futbol Americano(American football) this morning.

Also my president recibed(received) the letter from dad and is waiting to meet you. He also said that he will be sending you an email to explain everything. And yes there is an aeropuerto en leon(airport in Leon). That’s the one I flew into.

Well momma I am so sorry but we have to head out. I am sorry that I didn’t have time to write. Know that everything is going great. I am not hurt, I’m feeling the spirit, teaching hard and I keep working hard. Tell Connor to enjoy life. I will be back sooner than he knows. I will be right back with him having the times we had.

 I love you all. Have a great time in Utah. Mande saludos a la familia de burgers.( Send greetings to the Burgers family.)I Love you all.
Have a great week.

Elder Anderson

6/11/2012             “A Fun and Busy Day”


   This week went pretty good. It wasn’t the best we have had but, we had a lot of experiencias(experiences) that have helped me out and also my comp. Well, I will just tell you what we did today that was a lot of fun. We went and played “gotcha”(paintball) as a zona (zone). We went Zona contra Zona (zone against zone) and we did really well. Also I have sniper blood en my blood so I kind of tore it up( Shot my old comp in the chest...I went halo up on his mug!!! Ha ha but I did get shot. Those suckers freaking hurt! But, it’s all good in the hood. After that we have been just chilling having fun. .

 We went and bought comida(food) afterwards because we were hungry.. 

  Yesterday at night we were 4 missioneros(missionaries) en total. so, the house was sooo hot and so we all went up to the roof and slept was fun and felt good but the mosquitoes kind of arruinaron todo!!!(ruined everything) But it was a lot of fun.  The week started off pretty good. We are going to see pueblo (people) in a place that’s called Santa Maria de Gallardo. It’s has been a lot of work because, it’s kind of hard to work up there. There are a lot of members that WERE members or people that have heard about the church. But every week we are headed up there to look for people and kind of restablecer la iglesia. (Restore the church.) It’s a lot of fun but, we get back home sort of  late so this week ,we are going to come back a little earlier to get caught up on the sleep that sometimes we miss. It’s kind of funny when nothing else matters when we are thinking about other people other than ourselves. We don’t even think about sleep or what’s happening over here or over there but, we are always thinking about others and that helps us so much to be what we are, and to complete our proposito.(purpose)

This week we found a lady se llama’s a weird name, but she’s an awesome lady. We found her knocking doors and her husband just died about 2 months ago and wanted to know all kinds of  things and we answered every question that she had!  She just sat there and was like...Me gustan todas las cosas que estan diciendo...Yo quiero que regresen otra vez.( ... I like all things that are saying ... I want to return again ) It was totally awesome. You could feel the spirit a ton and it was a lot of fun teaching her. We also had 4 people in  church Sunday. That was a big bendicion del Señor.(blessing from the Lord) La verdad Yo no se a veces si estoy haciendo todas las cosas que podrian ayudarme para tener exito, a veces me dudo a mi mismo. Pero lo que yo he visto es que cuando yo recibo bendiciones yo se que estoy haciendo las cosas. Si siempre yo puedo mejorar aun que tenga 17 meses todavia tengo cosas que pueden ser mejores. Solamente tengo que esforzarme para ser fuerte y para aprender todo lo posible con el tiempo que me falta.( Actually, I do not know sometimes if I'm doing all the things that might help me to succeed, sometimes I doubt myself. But, what I've seen is that when I receive blessings I know I am doing all things.  I can improve. I have 17 months. I have still things to be better at. Only I have to force myself to be strong and learn all I can with the time that I lack. But, that was a little bit of the feelings I have had in Spanish. haha But I am loving the mission. It’s weird that it will be done in 6 meses.(months) I don’t know exactly what I am going to do bu,t I know the Lord will guide me. I hope you are great momma. I love you and thank you for the support and the love you show me. Tell Connor keep doing what’s right. I love that kid and I know he will be a better misionero(missionary) than I am. . Les amo mucho. Cuidense mucho y que tenga una buena semana.( I love you very much. Take care and have a good week

tu hijo

Elder Anderson

6/4/2012        “Loving the Work”


We just got done playing a basketball game...a real one. Ha ha. We got killed. I scored 15 that made me feel good. They invited us to play against a team. I am so dead tired and that’s why I am writing late. I am great just really tired. I am kind of sick I have a little cold so I am fighting that.  I went and slept a lot today, so I would feel a lot better.  I have a runny nose and a cough. I am taking medicine so there’s no worry. If you trust that I am safe and that God is protecting me. Then the fe that you have will be the truth. Don’t ever doubt it.

 Honestly I had a very, very good week. That guy that got bautizado (Baptized) got confirmed and shared his testimonio(testimony) and recibio(received) the sacerdocio(priesthood) all in the same day. honestly it was very enjoying to be able to verle (see)his progress in the church so rapido (rapid)and his deseo(desire)to grow. Also, we had 4 people en church and they want to get bautizados tambien. ( get baptized also)It’s pretty darn awesome. I am great and just living it up… Loving the work! It was an awesome experiencia(experience) Perfect!

About the kiddos just have fe and I will keep praying so that the Dewey’s can get them.

 Hey dad,

That’s freaking funny of your advice, in getting over this cold. That’s what I am doing just what you said... I am blowing my nose and using my mouthwash like 3 times a day. But I got to keep working and being smart and be worthy to receive the blessing of the Lord.

I will have to keep praying for Patrick. I sent him a message encouraging him to keep with it. But,I will keep praying. Thanks pops. Love ya!

   My companion and I are getting along great but sometimes he just doesn’t try. Doesn’t focus on what’s going on and doesn’t try to learn more things. But, I am not his Dad and am not going to boss him around and make him do all things. If he wants to fail, may it be his fault.  I am not perfect ether…But, really we do get along.

Momma, if I said that the next week I will have pictures and I will bring my Journal to write you a HUGE message would you be ok with that?

I will I promise momma. Hope you have a good week Not that I am anyone to say

I love you have a great week :)

tu hijo

Elder Anderson

5/28/201              “Loving the Mission”

Hey Family,

It’s been a pretty good day .Just loving the mission.

I have some pictures for you. I don’t have a lot of time. I am so busy with my calling also it’s because, we had to clean the house and do a ton of things today. We were able to at least go bowling and have some fun and let a little stress out. 
We had so much stuff to do it wasn’t even funny we still have an appointment for noche de hogar (home evening.)
 I am great. We had a bautismo(baptism) and I can feel the lord at my side. He is guiding me. I feel his help right now more than I have ever felt it. He is showing me his love. He is showing is help and support. My Spanish had some rough trips this week and when I woke up all the questions were magically answered. I didn’t have doubt I had confidence. Here is some pictures of the baptism. It was truly awesome.

  I am glad everything is great and I hope you liked the fotos(Pictures)

Do you like the new suit in the picture? That is the one I bought. I got the watch for 10 dollars and my tie well; it was free when I bought the suit. Also the shirt was free. Ha ha I really like it a lot.

I can’t believe you would send me a picture of you and dad in California in a boat on the lake. Ha ha... Please never ever send more pictures like that. I am just packing my bags up to head to California.....NOOOOOT!!!! hahaha. That’s awesome momma. I am glad you and dad are having fun in Cali…I would like that a lot if we went there for our summer vacation. Honestly!
I am really enjoying my mission; I am starting to really understand the whole purpose of everything. If someone doesn’t have God in their lives they don’t have anything. There is no hope or nothing. But, I am just glad I am so blessed and am learning how to be better.  Thanks momma I hope I can get there one day. Well I am heading out. We have Family Home Evening tonight at 8:30.

Wooooooooooooooow that is awesome news about Bishop Balkman…I bet Bishop Moody is feeling relieved. Dad can rest now too. I miss that guy…But hey I have to head out. love you all. Have a great time Momma and Dad. I am very grateful for our family and everything we stand for.

I love you all and tell Gramma tambien( Grandma also)

Have a great week.

tu hijo

Elder Anderson

5/21/2012              “Transfers”……..

Hey momma,

    I stayed here with Elder Carr so, I will be here for another 6 semanas(months).  

Well, this week has been a rough week.  I just left my phone and my agenda at the CHURCH!!! I am going crazy….. I just got to keep working hard and keep my head up. We didn’t have anybody at church this week. It was really rough. Our investigadores(investigators) just didn’t come. They said, that they were going to come and they never did. It stinks big time when that happens, but we will see how it all goes.  Maybe they were sick or something.We will just keep trying our hardest. The mission has taught me a lot about "love". I was thinking about the time I have and the things I have learned… It is amazing how quick time goes by. It seems like I am running out of time. There is not enough time in a day.But, I am learning so very much. It is so great.

 This week I was thinking about; “really loving God”. I thought about what I am doing and when I mess up. I have figured out when I mess up, I am not showing my love for mi Padre Celestial. Which I knew but, I mean a different felling of not showing him my love. I realized that I want to show my Love for my Padre Celestial all the time. I want him to know that I love him and am ready to do anything for him. So, that made me think about all the stupid stuff I still do and how I could be better. It’s an awesome feeling to know he is right there. He knows us, loves us and wants us to come home. We are being prepared to be Kings and Queens with him. So, we need to know what we are suppose to learn, to be able to be  those kings and queens he wants us to be... I need to be better still, even though it’s hard at times to do our very best, it’s so worth it.

  Know, I am great momma  and still learning a ton of things. Please tell Connor I am sorry I didn’t have a ton of time to write him. We had changes so, I had to take control of everything with that, that’s my calling. That’s when I left my phone and agenda in the process. But, it’s all good. My old companion was still at the church and got all my stuff .So it’s all good.  

I hope you and Connor have a great trip in Utah.
Have a great week.

I love you all.

 Elder Anderson

5/14/2012             “After Mother’s Day…”

    It was a blast seeing everyone and getting to talk to them. I enjoyed that so much!  I could not believe how much Connor has grown and how wonderful everyone looked. Everyone looks so very happy. It was good to see G.G. and Grammy. I glad everyone is doing so well. I saw you yesterday you look good mom. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s day. I know I had a wonderful day seeing my family again. I got the package you sent me. Everything is wonderful. I appreciate everything that was in it. Tell Maxine Thank you so much for putting together a gift for me. I liked the pillow case a lot. Tell her thanks a ton. We have found an owner for that dog I was telling you about.  But, momma I have to head out, I am sorry. We have a ton of things to do. Tell dad, I wrote a letter to my president that dad was sending him a letter, so my President knows now. But, thanks for everything mom. I am very grateful for you and everything you do for me. I love you and hope you have a great week. I will have more time next week to write.

 I love you all.

tu hijo,

 Elder Anderson

5/7/2012      “Preparing for Mother’s Day”

Hola Family,

     I am doing great!  It was so funny when I called to let you know when I would be contacting you for sure on Mother’s Day. Dad answered the phone and I said: Hello he said;”CHAD”? Dad made me laugh a ton when he goes CHAD???  Next thing I knew I was talking to you. He quickly handed the phone off. Smart man….. But how’s everything going over there?  I will let you know what’s going on in a second.  We went to give out Libros de Mormon(Books of Mormon) and then we went and ate , then washed more clothes then had a meeting for 3 horas(hours), then despues(after) that now I  am writing you and then after we email home we have to clean the house. That will be fun…ha ha

 My companion is good. I am kicking his butt into spanish shape. Hahaha But, we really are having fun together.

Ok, well the computadora(computer) isn’t working....So, I don’t know if I will be able to send pictures but, I will try.

Oh my goodness, the bugs here are crazy here lately.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha mom you have no idea. I killed 16 mosquitos(mosquitoes) and I had blood all over my hands and shirt....but we are men in a battle and we will I repeat will not lose to mosquitos(mosquitoes). I got raid so they are dead...dead, dead, dead. Hahahahahah.

 I am enjoying my mission a lot. I am learning that you can never be as good as you think and that you can always be better.

We will be skyping at 7:30 Sunday night only 6 days Momma. I am excited to see everyone. I love you mom. I will talk to you and see you on Sunday.  You asked me to thank my President for letting us skype. I will see him tomorrow so, I will tell him than.

So sorry Momma I tried but, my camera and the computer would not work down loading my pictures. Maybe next week for pictures…

 I love you have a great week.

tu hijo

Elder Anderson