Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/15/2011 Email Day

HOLA Familia
How are you mom? I’m good, everything is going great right now. How’s everything at home?  I am sending you a package today full of things that one; I don’t need and two; the tape recorder and my camera card. Hope you like the pics and the recordingSSS. The instructions to everything is in the letter.
    So nothing much has happened that’s new. My hair is short but I kind of like it. It’s pretty easy to take care of now. Two of the missionaries in my District Elder Hatch and Elder Pritchett are leaving for the Peru MTC so, tonight is their last night so, we are going to have a "missionary party.”It will be tons of fun. Yesterday I did a TE with my companion. It’s like a practice teaching with people who volunteer to be investigators. We spoke the whole lesson in Spanish!!!! It was awesome! It’s unbelievable how much the Lord blesses you and how much the Spirit really does guide you and tell you exactly what that person needs in their life. I am so blessed to be here. I also want to thank you for the package. I love  it!  My roommates already love my mom.( ha, ha ) I am so grateful to have a family as I do. I have learned so much about being patient with people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. It’s amazing to look at yourself and see how you can change instead of pointing the finger and telling people they need to change.
   So, visa’s are becoming easier to get for Mexico so, that’s really good news to everyone going to Mexico.  We got a new teacher and she’s from Mexico. It’s kind of hard to understand her but it’s getting a ton better. We had a sub from Argentina and she spoke sooooo fast I sat there with a dumb look on my face wondering if I just pooped myself or if I had drool coming out of my mouth. It was ridiculous! But most likely I will be headed to Mexico on the 28th. Weeks are going by so fast. It’s crazy how fast 3 weeks have already gone by. I miss you all a lot. But, I know this is where I’m supposed to be. The talks that have been giving at each devotional Tuesday and Sundays nights are always awesome and it’s like they are talking directly to me. Bednar spoke about some missionaries questioning;  Is it the spirit talking to them or just they are making it up. And he said we as missionaries need to stop worrying all the time. If we are doing what’s right and obeying our covenants then we will be given the things we need. It was an awesome talk. You know he has kicked 2 missionaries out of his house???  Because, they were there too long .And where not about the work but, about relaxing and chilling at his house. Then they asked for referrals and he said; he would never give referrals to missionaries like them because they had stayed over too long and were not focused on the work. It sounds awful, but he did it really nice. It is not our time to wait around for things to be done but, to act now and be the missionaries on the Lords time. I am so thankful for you all. I love all of you. Know I am safe and sound and that I love being a missionary but I am still the half-black corky Chad. Ha love you all,
Your Elder Anderson

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

With the Spirit I know I can do anything. He won't let me down.

Hey mom
     I'm doing really well. I already sent you another letter today and now I'm writing an email. How everything at home? Everything is great here. My schedule is pretty crazy, I just got back from the temple, we go every p-day. My companions are great. I have been getting packages from you, Raschelle, Anna and one from Carly. So yes, I have been getting a ton of stuff. The MTC is an amazing place mom, it's a place I love being. Tonight we have a devotional and Elder Bednar is coming to. It will be amazing. We have a fireside every sunday and devotionals every Tuesday. The language is coming a lot better. It's the most studying I've ever had to do in my entire life, however it's also been the best studying I've ever done. It's not studying for my own knowledge, that is what is special, but that I am studying for the people I will be teaching. It will be an amazing experience. With the Spirit I know I can do anything. He won't let me down. Days are starting to blend together and this week has flown by. It's an amazing experience to be a missionary. My letter will have more info. Also I need more lifesavor breath mints and just to write me everyday. :) I love you mom and tell connor he is ok. I know he will write me soon. Love you guys. 
Elder Anderson
p.s I will send you the camera chip after Valentines day cuz there will be a ton of pics by then and video. Love you all.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Letter to the Dewey's

Feb. 1, 2011 Chad wrote:

Front= Raschelle      Back= Deweys

Hey Sister Anderson/Dewey... Haha, just kidding. Hey Sis, how are you? Thanks for the packages and advice and directions for laundry. It's P-day on Tuesday so I'm sitting in my room writing the fam. In my district there are ocho personas elderes. Mi uno companero es muy simpatico. He is awesome. It went from Elder Hadley and Monson, to just me and Elder Hadley. But, Monson and his companero es still in our room so it's pretty awesome. Our schedule consists of studying, studying and... studying some mas. It's been differente pero it is awesome. The most spiritual place I have ever been. You can see by me having a hard time remembering English words! Ha, the language is hard to get but studying a ton and relying on Espiritu es muy importante porque no espiritu no ensena los investigators. The spirit is so important. I love being a missionary, it's one of the coolest things. You are so in tune with the spirit, you don't even know how much you are learning sometimes. Mi testimonio es que El Dio vive y El hijo vive y El hijo es Jesu Christo. Jesu Christo muerte por los pacados de mundo. El libro de mormon es verdad. Jose Smith es a Profeta verdad. Yo creo en Cristo. testificar de Cristo y de servante de Cristo. I think it's getting better the more I study but hopefully it does. Ha. Thank you for everything you have done. Yea, sometimes you have been hard but I needed it. Thank you for the watch, it has been a ton of help! You are an amazing sister. Keep sending whatever you want, I will eat anything. Also, I am still working out so not fatness. Ha ;). Thanks for everything. Love you sis.

Elder Anderson
Districo ocho

Dewey, thanks a ton for the info. That has helped me be sane from all the studying. And no Tiger Time, (Ian told Chad to write Tiger Time on his letter if his companion was a little goofy.) My companion is really good. We have an awesome district. And Bro, the chocolate milk is for sure the best thing I have ever tasted! Thanks for the story too. It picked me up and kinda showed me not to be frustrated because the spirit is always with me, it's just my job to let it teach me and teach investigators through me... The MTC really is an amazing place and you can really learn a ton while you are here. My companion and my companions in my room all have a sense of humor so it's a ton of fun to learn the language and also the Gospel with them. I am glad to get to serve. So, grade me on this.. Mi testimonio es de iglesia de Jesu Cristo vive y el amarnis. Yo se el libro de mormon es verdad y la expacion de Jesu Christo es mucho importante porque diganos a camino hacia Jesu Christo y el Padre Celestial. En el nombre de Jesu Chisrto Amen. Bueno? Ha ha, I hope so. I am trying to pick up the language. Thanks for all the support you've given me. I love you bro. Talk to you next week, gotta go do laundry!

      Elder Anderson

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chad's Farewell

On January 23rd, Chad gave his farewell talk at church. These are some pictures we took after.

Chad getting ready for church

Mom and Chad

Connor and Chad

Uncle Billy, Grammy, Chad, Mom and G.G. (Great Grandma)

Proud parents

Chad's temp companion

Chad and his friend Patrick

Chad and The Dewey's

Chad and his Sis Shell

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Email Home

Hey mom its going good,  my trio compaionship split up and now its me and just Elder Hadley but me Elder Toone, Monson, and Hadley all share a room so its pretty awesome right now. Monson is also going to Leon, and Toone is going where Mikey is going. Im doing really well. I can feel myself growing spiritually and emotionally as a sevanrt and representative of Jesu Cristo . Its been an amazing week and I cant wait to keep going. I am sending you a letter where you can take bits and pieces out to send to other people so it doesnt matter to me what you give out. But thanks for all you have done for me. I never quite really realized the love you and dad have for me, but if its anything close to Heavenly Fathers love for me, I am so blessed to have you as parents. Hopefully you'll get my letter soon.
Your son
Elder Anderson

Yo tengo muchas amar por tu:)