Tuesday, September 27, 2011

8/7/2011- "I love Mexico!"


   Hi, how has everyone been? Well mom, I can't find that equipment for my camera so I can not send pictures. It kind of sucks. So I am sorry there is no pictures but we are going to look at another store this week so hopefully I will have some next week. So now I understand, get new carpet and Tv's after I go on the mission, I get it. Ha ha. I guess I will be able to enjoy it later. I had to get a few things with the credit card but I love Mexico, everything is freaking cheap! I am good health wise but I think I have lost a little bit of weight just because of the heat. It has been awful here but I love the area. My comp and I sometimes have our differences but we seem to work through them. I know that I have to be humble enought to admitt when I am wrong too. This week we are having a member on the Seventy come talk us in Irepuato. It should be cool, every missionary in the area will be there. Well I better head out. I will have pictures next week, I promise. I know I better send them or mom will be booking her trip to Mexico. Thanks for everything. I love you all and I will talk to you next week.

Your Elder Anderson

8/1/2011- "We have been having a ton of success."

Hey Familia,

    Yes, I am still in San Miguel so no worries there. We are moving this week to a new apartment. We had 6 new personas en la capilla and I think we are going to have 7 baptisms. We have been having a ton of success. On Prep days we usually play ball. No, we can't play football because of the contact. Missionaries were getting hurt. But I still have my basketball! We have tons of fun. Later we are going to eat and later this night we are going shopping for food. Also today we wash, write and buy! That is the usual Monday. Well, we have to get going. Have a great week. I love you all.

Your Elder Anderson

7/25/2011- "The Mission has changed my life."

Hey Familia,
   I am glad everyone liked what I send. I am glad you got the package. Well, my week was kind of rough, the person we were going to baptize this week had segunda thoughts so right now it is kind of difficult to work. But that's ok, we will just keep moving forward and keep teaching. The mission has changed my life. I have never met people who are so happy but don't have anything. I have met a ton of people that I have just fallen in love with. I am able to be me and have fun, just as a servant of the Lord, I am enjoying my time on the mish. Nothing too much has changed, only that we have cambios and I might get transfered, it is a possibility. We are going to go play some ball with some investigators today so I hope it goes well. I hope all is well with everyone. I love you all and I will talk to you later.

Elder Anderson