Friday, November 29, 2013

Just Getting Home

Wow! its crazy that I'm home from mission! I cant believe its already been two years and that i am with my family and friends. Its crazy how much has changed. Connor has grown a ton and I have a niece and nephew I get to play with now. I feel amazing that I got the privileged to serve our Heavenly Father for two years. I will never forget the people who have helped me become the man I am today. Many talk about how many people they baptized or taught in their missions. But I feel that I was blessed to meet people that changed me. I will never be the same man as I was before the mission. I promise to continue to be the man I have become. I cant let everyone I have taught or everyone I have known down. They mean too much to me. I miss them already. I love my family and I am so grateful for them. They have taught me to be strong and brave. I don't know what lies ahead for me but I know that God always has a plan and that if i continue to do what I have been taught to do I will do what he wants me to do 100% of the time. I would like to bear my testimony que yo se que dios vive. Que el nos ama. El quiere lo mejor para nosotros. Yo se que no se mucho y la verdad estoy asustado y no se lo que va a pasar en mi vida pero yo se que El esta agradecido con mi trabajo y si sigo haciendo las cosas correctas yo voy a ser bendecido. Yo amo a mi familia con todo mi corazon. Tambien yo amo a las personas que conozco en mi mision. Les extrano un buen. Yo se que nuestro salvador murio por nosotros. El nos entiende en todo. Cuando pasamos por tiempos dificles  y dificultades El nos va a acompanar por todo. Solo hay que creer y ser obediente. Les amo mucho y sigan adellante con todo. Hasta que nos veamos en la vista del Senor. Elder Anderson