Tuesday, August 9, 2011

7/18/2011 Letter- " I am Fantastic"

Hey Familia,

   Well, I don't have a ton of time but I want to hit the basics...

   I am fantastic! I had a baptism and it was freaking awesome!!! She is an awesome lady and she has changed from a person who didn't want anything with her life, into someone that has a light about her. She just loves us and it feels great to have helped her change her life. Then, someone tried to break into our house and so we are moving to a better house. It will be a ton better. It's still in San Miguel but it's a lot safer. It's awesome to see all the blessing you guys are having. I think and pray for you often. I love you all and sorry it's so short, we have a ton to do. Talk to you next week for sure, it will be mas largo. Love you!

Your Elder Anderson

7/11/2011 Letter- "This week has been the best week of my mission!"

Hey familia,

    Wooooooooooooooow. That's a ton of things that have went on this week. I feel so bad for my bro. I hope he can recover soon. That sucks about his ankle. Tell him to keep his head up and don't let himself think he can't come back. Work hard to get back stronger than before. For me, this week has been the best week of my mission! That was until I heard about everything going on at home, I feel bad for having so much joy, ha ha! But we have a baptism this weekend and 2 more next week. So we are working a ton! I love the feeling of success. I have felt sometimes in my mission that I am failing but my Heavenly Father has helped me a ton. I want to tell you about 2 experiences from this week. First, we went to a hospital to bless a sister of one of our investigators. It was very spiritual and I was able to bless her. After the blessing, I felt like I was going to pass out. I ran outside and had to sit down and really calm myself down. My comp asked me what had happened. I had no idea, I just felt as though all my strength was gone and I could not stand or anything. It was really weird but such a strong experience. The second experience is we talked to a lady we were planning to baptize and we challenged her to pray right then, while we were there, to see of the Libro de Mormon was verdad (true) and to see if Joseph Smith was a prophet. During her prayer, on our knees, I felt the spirit so strong and after she said amen, no one moved, we just sat there for 5 minutes. We all felt the spirit and then she said, "It's true." It was the coolest experience I have had on my mission. And she is getting baptized this week. I'm stoked but I hope it all goes well. I love you all and keep praying for guidance. If we want to talk to God we must pray and if we walk God to talk to us, we have to read the scriptures. I grow stronger in His service. I love you all.

Your Elder Anderson

7/4/2011 -" We have had lot of success"

Hey Familia,

    My week was awesome! My comp loves to work so it's been really good. We have had a lot of success and are working a ton and my spanish is getting better. I feel when I focus on the work, my spanish becomes better and better so that's what I am doing. I do study a lot but I realized that if I focus on the work, He will bless me. My comp also loves to cook and so we eat a lot. So, It's the 4th huh. It's weird not being at home looking at fireworks with the fam but I know I am doing something much better, it is an awesome experience. The weather here has sucked, well not sucked but it has rained every day this week. Raining means there is no sun, which means it's not hot, but it's really wet and tracting in the rain is not my favorite. But, with all the rain, a day this week, we were hiding under a balcony and I felt that we needed to switch sides of the street so I ran across and my comp followed. This lady came out of her house and told us to get inside her house. We didn't fight her and we ran inside. While there, we told her a little about what we do and about the first discussion. Now she has accepted everything and we are just waiting for this Sunday so she can come to church and then have a fecha (date). Also, we have another fecha (date) for next week but she wanted to cancel it but we are keeping it and are working toward it. Well, I hope all is well and remember, we are blessed more than we can imagine when we are doing what is right. Thanks for all you do. I hope everything is great and I'll talk to you all next week.

 Your Elder Anderson