Sunday, December 4, 2011

9/26/2011- "We are busier than ever."

Hi familia,

    We have been busier than ever. Tell dad I got his letter and it was freaking awesome. Tell him it helped me a lot. I was thinking about a ton of things and a ton of things were on my mind, and he answered all of the questions I had. It was awesome tell him thanks a ton. I have been thinking about Connor a lot lately and I'm wondering how he is. Tell him to do the little things. I didn't start playing football because I was the best or the most talented, I just did the extra little things. I was throwing when other guys were with girls and partying, running when they were resting and practicing when they were sleeping. You have to do the extra things. Tell Connor I love him and that I know he can do it, tell him to get ready to have his adventure like I am having right now. 

 The place where I am at is soo chill and safe. They don't have a lot of dangerous places but some aren't that safe for white folk. We had a bautismo and her story is awesome!  I got in this new area and I was looking at the information about people they had in the area. And there were people that had been going to church for a ton of time but didn't have the discusions with the misioneros. President said that's why I was sent to this area.  But she and her sister started listening to us and she has a sister in the church and her other sister that we were teaching had already been baptized but she doesnt remeber her confirmation and the record had it as 3 weeks later on a Saturday...that's really weird so we are still lokking into that. But her sister that got baptized has known the church was true forever but she just never acted on it. But  she has grown to love us and listen to our words. She started to have that desire and she wanted me to baptize her. It was really amazing.

So, I love my shoes and they look really nice.  I will take a pic of my old shoes and send that pic next week.  I just had a haricut and they use tijeras here. I dont know the word in english anymore. Haha, I'm really sorry. (scissors)

 Anyway, I have to get going. Tell Connor at times we think we are alone. But remember we are never alone. . Do whats right no matter the concencuencias. Mom, I know that I have to be healthy so don't worry. I know that our Padre Celestial loves us so much. I love you familia,  I love you con toda mi corazon. Cuidete y sepas que estoy en las manos del Senor.

Te amo
Your Elder Anderson

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