Friday, November 29, 2013
Just Getting Home
Wow! its crazy that I'm home from mission! I cant believe its already been two years and that i am with my family and friends. Its crazy how much has changed. Connor has grown a ton and I have a niece and nephew I get to play with now. I feel amazing that I got the privileged to serve our Heavenly Father for two years. I will never forget the people who have helped me become the man I am today. Many talk about how many people they baptized or taught in their missions. But I feel that I was blessed to meet people that changed me. I will never be the same man as I was before the mission. I promise to continue to be the man I have become. I cant let everyone I have taught or everyone I have known down. They mean too much to me. I miss them already. I love my family and I am so grateful for them. They have taught me to be strong and brave. I don't know what lies ahead for me but I know that God always has a plan and that if i continue to do what I have been taught to do I will do what he wants me to do 100% of the time. I would like to bear my testimony que yo se que dios vive. Que el nos ama. El quiere lo mejor para nosotros. Yo se que no se mucho y la verdad estoy asustado y no se lo que va a pasar en mi vida pero yo se que El esta agradecido con mi trabajo y si sigo haciendo las cosas correctas yo voy a ser bendecido. Yo amo a mi familia con todo mi corazon. Tambien yo amo a las personas que conozco en mi mision. Les extrano un buen. Yo se que nuestro salvador murio por nosotros. El nos entiende en todo. Cuando pasamos por tiempos dificles y dificultades El nos va a acompanar por todo. Solo hay que creer y ser obediente. Les amo mucho y sigan adellante con todo. Hasta que nos veamos en la vista del Senor. Elder Anderson
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
12/17/2012 “An Emotional Week”
Hola Familia,
Well, this week I learned a lot of things. Honestly, we had an emocional(emotional) week. My comp and I had kind of had a huge fight over something stupid and we both explained everything and we felt a ton better. We both ended up in tears. I don’t cry a lot...almost never but, the spirit that you feel when you know you are doing what is right and that Dios is with you it’s a feeling that you can’t explain. Honestly, what I have learned is a lot of humility. I have learned that the only way to have exito(success) is to work with the Lord, not just only with your comp. After we had worked everything out, we had a ton of success. We taught 4 lesson had 6 new investigators and yea we had 4 in the capilla(chapel). Things are coming along really well. I have seen a change in us as comps and we are working hard until the end. But, we should be having 5 bautimos(baptisms) this weekend. We will see how everything goes. We have a lot of work to get done and a lot of stuff to do. Also we are going to have a obra teatral(A Play). It’s going to be hilarious. When you have time look at, 100 mexicanos dijeron(Mexicans said). It’s hilarious and we are going to do it Christmas style and missionary style. I’ll send you pictures. I can’t get trunky. I am going to finish how I started. Working hard and not looking back. Pero me gustaría compartir lo que yo sé, y sé que el señor vive. Que él dirige está iglesia y que él quiere que seamos felices, pero no solamente por está vida, pero para siempre. cuando caemos y no sabemos que hacer, que busquemos al Señor en todas las cosas y las bendiciones vendrán sobre nosotros que las mas necesitamos. Les amo mucho y me emociono cuando pienso acerca de ustedes y el gozo que tendremos juntos cuando nos veamos. Cuidense y les hablo en la semana. (In English… But, I would like to share what I know, and I know that the Lord lives. He leads this Church and that he wants us to be happy, but not just for this life, but forever. When we fall and do not know what to do, We need to seek the Lord in all things and then blessings will come upon us that we need to do more. I love you very much and I get excited when I think about you and the joy that we will have together when we meet again. Take care and I will speak to you this week.
Tu hijo Elder Anderson
P.s I will talk to you guys this week. I will Probably call this
Friday. Love youJ
12/10/2012 “Not enough time in the day”
Dear Family,
It’s sunny here. I am thinking it’s
like 65 degrees. I am feeling great. I am buying a lot of granola and stuff
like that to keep me from getting sick. . I am not that small, I still
weigh 205 lbs. ....ha ha.. Mikey is excited and I keep in touch with him
a lot.
Yes, mom you are right, we do not
knock doors at all. But, it’s working really well. We are having a lot of
success. They have done this to also involve the members more.
My comp is doing much better and my
ear is much better. Don’t worry mom. Thanks for asking.
Here is a picture of a cake they made
for my comp and I for our birthdays. It was soooo good and very filling…
I think I want train and to go into business
with sports medicine…That’s my thoughts for now.
I am going to
organize the call home but, I will know in one week how we are going to do the
calls. Love you all have a great
week. I should be making the call next week to let you all know when. Here are
some more pictures. Enjoy!
Have a great week.
Tu hijo Elder Anderson
Friday, December 7, 2012
12/3/2012 “Lifting up one another”
well, to answer your questions, yes, we have a ton of referrals and we will have
a bautismo(baptism) this week or next week. It all depends… It’s because this
week is going to be crazy. Also with the little girl you asked about, we will
be seeing her this week so, I will take a picture for you. We are going to
Leon tomorrow because we have a meeting with the President.
Yes, I think I will be in Leon the 1st of Enero(January), It will be fun.
This week hasn't been so exciting. It has
been so busy here.
I got
sick this week as well and it wasn't so much fun. I am a lot better now. But honestly, we are
working hard. Right now the zone has been having some problemas(problems) with
the missionaries. They are all down and it’s been hard to help them. This week we
have been helping them out and lifting up their spirits. We have been seeing the work turn around. I
have seen a lot of things. I have been thinking a lot, not because I have been doing
bad things, but I remember when Connor and I were at EFY. I listened to a
teacher and he said; we can’t play with Satan because, if we play a tiny bit
with him, we are going to fail. I know that Satan is real. I have seen his
effects on individuals. I know that he wants us to fail. We are not to play his game. If we start we
are going to lose. So, we are going by that example, that of the EFY teacher.
We are working hard as a disciple of Cristo (Christ). I have been thinking about the
things I want to better and it’s my plan and my goal to keep bettering myself
and helping my father that loves me so much to do his work. I know it’s true
and I can’t deny it. I love the mission and I am never going to regret it. Know
that I am here working hard and being strong.
I love you all and I hope you have a great
tu hijo
Elder Anderson
11/19/2012 “A week of sadness"
11/26/2012 "Still Learning"
This week has been another week of learning and I’ll admit the mission hasn't always been a joy ride. The mission is hard but, I thought before I left that it wasn't going to be that worth wild. Boy, was I wrong!!! It’s totally worth it! It has changed my life forever… I am not the best missionary that there has been. I have to be better in every aspect of my life to reach my potencial(potential). I know I can but, only with the help del Señor (of the Lord). I have learned to be more humble. Pride is sooo stupid. I have broken the chains that had me hooked in my pride and I am trying to be better. I have learned so much and I am going to keep working hard.
This week we had thanksgiving in Mexico. here is the picture of the Turkey we devoured.. The hermana(sisters) made your Oreo dessert and now, everyone wants are famous in Mexico!! Ha ha. I ate sooo much it was siiiiick( unbelievable).
How are you momma?
I know you’re good but, kind of sad. About GG, Honestly something told me Saturday that she was not in this world anymore. I know she is working with me. I know she is here. I feel it. It’s an awesome feeling to know that we are all sealed together as a family for all time and eternity and that we will all be able to see her again someday.
This week has been a week of learning. I felt the love of my savior with the death of my GG. Honestly I have felt her close to my heart. I know she is watching me and hoping for the best. All of this makes me want to be better. I know it’s hard at times...
I love you momma. Stay strong.
This week has been a week of learning. I felt the love of my savior with the death of my GG. Honestly I have felt her close to my heart. I know she is watching me and hoping for the best. All of this makes me want to be better. I know it’s hard at times...
I love you momma. Stay strong.
tu hijo
Elder Anderson
11/26/2012 "Still Learning"
This week has been another week of learning and I’ll admit the mission hasn't always been a joy ride. The mission is hard but, I thought before I left that it wasn't going to be that worth wild. Boy, was I wrong!!! It’s totally worth it! It has changed my life forever… I am not the best missionary that there has been. I have to be better in every aspect of my life to reach my potencial(potential). I know I can but, only with the help del Señor (of the Lord). I have learned to be more humble. Pride is sooo stupid. I have broken the chains that had me hooked in my pride and I am trying to be better. I have learned so much and I am going to keep working hard.
My ear thing has gotten a lot better; it doesn't hurt anymore at all. I will have another visit with the doc this week so, I will let you know how that goes. The doctor did say that it was from the pressure of having my eardrum swollen. But, know that I am doing well.
My companion has problems with his knees so, we had to take some radiografias(x-rays) of his knee. We will see how that goes as well. I know I don’t have a ton of new information. There is good things happening here in Mexico…
I love you all and keep working hard. I am almost home. I love you
tu hijo
Elder Anderson
11/14/2012 "Exciting News".....
It's hard to believe it's almost been 2 years...
A letter from Elder Anderson's President.
Good day, this is the flight itinerary for Elder Anderson, We beg you can confirm of received and that you will be there to receive him when he gets home. For questions or doubts, I'm at your service.
Elder Pérez
Executive Secretary
Misión México León
Elder Anderson will come home.. Thursday Jan 3rd. 2013
11/12/2012 “Hard and Sad Week”…
Dear Family,
Yes, I did receive the bad news that "G.G." is
in the hospital and that she has had a stroke. . It hurts. She is strong though. It makes me
want to be better. I don’t know why, but I just feel that I need to keep
fighting if she’s fighting.
Momma says;
I know it makes you
put things into perspective. What really is important and again, it is always
family and living righteous.
Chad say;
Momma says;
Yes, you are right. We are doing something
right, to be able to have a family and to be sealed to each other forever. What
a blessing!
I hope things start to look better for "G.G.". I am selfish but, I
want her to stay here for a little bit longer. She is the best! I
just don't know what Heavenly Father has in store for her…
Chad says;
I wish I could be
there with her. But like you said, Dios(God) knows better than we do so, he’s the
one that controls everything and knows why.
Momma says;
After I am finished
writing to you, I am headed up to Mercy Hospital. I will give her
a kiss from you if you would like.
Chad say;
would like that a lot!
Momma says;
Done deal! I will
talk to her about you and then I will give her a big kiss from you. She will
like that a lot. I have decided today when I get into her room I am going to
sing to her and just talk to her as if she were awake. I feel she can hear me
and felt prompted to do so last night.
Chad says;
Pray before you do it. Then you will know what
to say to her.
Momma says;
“I am, a very
blessed mom”…
Chad says;
I am too momma, to have such a wonderful mom and dad that
have helped me through a lot. I am not the perfect son. I have a lot to work on,
but I am going to try as hard as I can to be someone better. To be the person
that God expects me to be. I just want to keep working hard and being better
than I am. I have taken so much for granted and I haven’t appreciated anything.
Now, that I am in the mission, I can see what I need to do and I am trying to be
better. I know that the Lord expects a
ton from me and I need to be prepared.
I love you momma. I am very happy with everything I have and what I have
done, but I just have to keep pushing until the end of my life. I think that’s
what I have gained in the mission field the most.
Well, this week went really really fast. In
the blink of an eye it was Saturday. Martes(Tuesday)
we had a lesson and then we had to wash our clothes. After that we went to eat then
went back to pick up our clothes, pack and then we were off to Leon which is 3
hours away from us. We got to Leon went and ate and then went to bed… (A very
long day…) The next morning we had a big junta(board) and it lasted for about 5
hours. We ate a ton of food. But, I have been having some pains in my ear and
head so, I talked to a hermana(Sister) and she told me to go to the doctors. I
went to the doctors and the doctor said; that I have blood in my
eardrum popped. Don’t worry I got medicine and it’s a ton better. We went home a 3 hour drive that night and
had to capacite (train) the next morning for 4 more hours and then we planned
and ate.
We have been
working with a lot of refernecias(references), Because they told us that we cannot
knock doors or contact people on the streets so, we have been working with
puras referencias (pure references). We
have found a lot people but, also some pretty crazy people. Ha ha But, it comes
with the work after that we prepared for a baptism and everything went against us.
The water did not fill all the way up....and my comp and I had to go into the
water to help the hermano(brother) baptize his family because, he has problemas(problems)
with his back. It was pretty awesome. It also was weird and cold but awesome.
We confirmed them Sunday and everything went smoothly. But today we just played
fut(football), washed clothes and now we are writing our families. That was my week. Hope you enjoyed my
exciting week menu… ha ha
I am great I am working hard. I will keep "GG" in my prayers and in my heart. I love you all and hope you have a great week J
Love Ya…
tu hijo
Elder Anderson
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