12/17/2012 “An Emotional Week”
Hola Familia,
Well, this week I learned a lot of things. Honestly, we had an emocional(emotional) week. My comp and I had kind of had a huge fight over something stupid and we both explained everything and we felt a ton better. We both ended up in tears. I don’t cry a lot...almost never but, the spirit that you feel when you know you are doing what is right and that Dios is with you it’s a feeling that you can’t explain. Honestly, what I have learned is a lot of humility. I have learned that the only way to have exito(success) is to work with the Lord, not just only with your comp. After we had worked everything out, we had a ton of success. We taught 4 lesson had 6 new investigators and yea we had 4 in the capilla(chapel). Things are coming along really well. I have seen a change in us as comps and we are working hard until the end. But, we should be having 5 bautimos(baptisms) this weekend. We will see how everything goes. We have a lot of work to get done and a lot of stuff to do. Also we are going to have a obra teatral(A Play). It’s going to be hilarious. When you have time look at, 100 mexicanos dijeron(Mexicans said). It’s hilarious and we are going to do it Christmas style and missionary style. I’ll send you pictures. I can’t get trunky. I am going to finish how I started. Working hard and not looking back. Pero me gustaría compartir lo que yo sé, y sé que el señor vive. Que él dirige está iglesia y que él quiere que seamos felices, pero no solamente por está vida, pero para siempre. cuando caemos y no sabemos que hacer, que busquemos al Señor en todas las cosas y las bendiciones vendrán sobre nosotros que las mas necesitamos. Les amo mucho y me emociono cuando pienso acerca de ustedes y el gozo que tendremos juntos cuando nos veamos. Cuidense y les hablo en la semana. (In English… But, I would like to share what I know, and I know that the Lord lives. He leads this Church and that he wants us to be happy, but not just for this life, but forever. When we fall and do not know what to do, We need to seek the Lord in all things and then blessings will come upon us that we need to do more. I love you very much and I get excited when I think about you and the joy that we will have together when we meet again. Take care and I will speak to you this week.
Tu hijo Elder Anderson
P.s I will talk to you guys this week. I will Probably call this
Friday. Love youJ